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Třináct tisíc kilometrů Mongolskem



Třináct tisíc kilometrů Mongolskem

Author or Creator




en This work of Orientalist Pavel Poucha who focused s on Inner Asian philology, Mongolist, Tibetologist and Indologist and the founder of Czech Tocharistics, Tibetology and Mongolistics in Czech Republic. While he achieved his greatest fame in Mongol studies, for his research of its classical and modern language, literature and history, he is also known as the author of travel books from Mongolia and China where he went on a one-year stay in China and Mongolia in 1957. This book is a well-written and interesting travelogue depicting a long journey through the Mongolian People's Republic.
cs Pavel Poucha se věnoval filologii vnitřní Asie, byl mongolistou, tibetologem a indologem, zakladatelem české tocharistiky, tibetologie a mongolistiky. Největšího věhlasu sice dosáhl na poli mongolistiky, a to výzkumem klasického i moderního jazyka, literatury a historie, ale je znám také jako autor cestopisů z Mongolska a Číny, kam se v roce 1957 vydal na roční pobyt. Tato kniha je dobře napsaným a zajímavým cestopisem zachycujícím dlouhou cestu po Mongolské lidové republice.


"MS arrived in China." Orientalist. "Red Law," June 30, 1957, p. 5. accessed []

"Who was who - Czech and Slovak Orientalists: Poucha Pavel.", accessed [18.09.2023], [].