Alois Musil in Austro-Hungrarian political mission in 1917



en Alois Musil in Austro-Hungrarian political mission in 1917




en Under the auspices of the Viennese Academy, Alfred Hölder published Musil’s four-volume, 1,633-page study, which contained ethnological observations, hundreds of illustrations, an extensive bibliography, and a map supplement. In 1907, he also published his monumental two-volume Kuseir Amra, which deals with his epochal discovery of the Amra palace, built in the Transjordan Desert in the 8th century B.C. Between 1923 and 1928, Musil made several trans-Atlantic trips to New York while preparing his six-volume Oriental Exploration and Studies, published between 1926 and 1928 by the American Geographical Society (AGS), the oldest nationwide geographical organization in the U.S. Besides a detailed description of the explored areas, these books contain many passages dealing with geography, history, and politics In 1927, the AGS awarded Musil its Charles P. Daly Medal for “valuable or distinguished geographical services or labors.” Its first recipient had been the polar explorer Ronald Peary, whose contribution was acknowledged in 1902.


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