Bedřich Hrozný






En Bedřich Hrozný is known for his decipherment of the Hittite language and contributions to the advancement of Hittite studies. After studying in Berlin and London, and being well versed in Semitic languages, he devoted his attention to Assyriology. In 1914, Hrozný was engaged by the Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft to publish texts found in the course of the German excavations near the Turkish village of Bogazköy. They were written in a thus-far unknown language, which seemed to have been the official language of the Hittite rulers. In 1917 he published his Die Sprache der Hethiter – a discovery of worldwide importance. In this work, Hrozný deciphered the Hittite script and demonstrated the Indo-European character of the Hittite language. He also greatly contributed to understandings of the whole historical development of the ancient Near East in the 2nd millennium B.C. Hrozný’s discovery became one of the greatest pre-war achievements in Czech science.


Bedřich Hrozný


Oriental Institute Archives