First Acquisitions: The Coptic Manuscripts



en First Acquisitions: The Coptic Manuscripts
Rané akvizice - koptské rukopisy




en This original collection is kept in vaults at the Oriental Institute. Some of these documents were analyzed by Prof Grohmann, the articles on the topic were published in Archiv Orientální in 1938, 1939, 1941 and 1943. The pieces and fragments of these manuscripts are mainly legal texts which are considered to be informative materials for those studying comparative legal history. Skimming through the articles, the manuscripts are apparently Greek-arabic protocol (705-715 AD), dark brown thick papyrus; Arabic-Greek protocol (light brown medium-fine papyrus, undated); fragment of sales contract of a house (dark brown, medium fine) - quite large compared to other document at 233 x 135 cm size but is worm-infested. I cannot describe all the documents but some of these were described in the write ups in ArOr as: Lease agreement on a piece of land, fragment on a lease of property, collection list by a tax officer, letter concerning the purchase of a female mule, letter of purchase order and delivery of pumpkin and cucumber, letter from a clothes maker, list of people who are subject to meadow and pasture tax payment, directory of shepherds with corresponding number of cattles entrusted to them, part of a survey report, fragments of receipts.

