A Conference Celebrating the Centenary of the Prague Oriental Institute



en A Conference Celebrating the Centenary of the Prague Oriental Institute


en This conference titled, Oriental Studies and Research (not only) in Central Europe, was jointly organized by the Oriental Institute and the Masaryk Institute and Archives. This event was held to commemorate the centenary of the Oriental Institute in Prague.
The symposium was thematically both intertwined and diverse. Similarly heterogeneous were the specializations, backgrounds, and origins of our twenty-two speakers, who arrived from various corners of the world such as the United Kingdom, all countries of Central Europe, and also Turkey, Iran, and Malaysia. Their papers clustered in seven panels dealt with a wide range of topics from the development of disciplines and crucial institutions, to ancient Oriental studies, Asian and Middle Eastern artifact collections, digital humanities including databases, online exhibitions and “study rooms”, oral history, film material, photography and travelogues by specialists and lay travelers alike.


Centennial commemoration - conference
Oriental Studies in Czech Republic
