2022 Czech Academy of Sciences Award granted to Giedre Šabasevičiūtė



en 2022 Czech Academy of Sciences Award granted to Giedre Šabasevičiūtė


en Giedre Šabasevičiūtė from the Oriental Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic perfectly handled the controversial topic at the border of literary science, sociology and history. The Egyptian literati Sajjid Qutb became one of the most prominent ideologues of Islamism, Giedre Šabasevičiūtė analyzes Qutb's surrender to Islamism as a continuation of his literary project. Among other things, the book uncovers unexplored dimensions of Qutb's involvement in the Cairo cultural scene and has a great chance of becoming a reference title in the field.


Oriental scholars
Arab History